Ordinances and Codes
Search by Department
Many of the City of Ridgeland’s Codes and Ordinances are listed below for your use. The content is organized by the city department that administers and enforces the ordinances. If you cannot find a particular code or ordinance below or if you have a specific question, please feel free to contact the appropriate city department for further information. For the code of ordinances of the City of Ridgeland, you may also visit the Municode site.
Finance and Administration
Fire Department
Police Department
- Animal Control Ordinance [pdf]
- Banned Dog Ordinance [pdf]
- Bicycle Helmet Ordinance [pdf]
- Noise Ordinance [pdf]
- Residency False Statement Ordinance [pdf]
- Smoking Ordinance [pdf]
- Synthetic Drugs Ordinance [pdf]
Public Works
- Stormwater Runoff, Illicit Discharges, and Illegal Connections [pdf]
- Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance [pdf]
Community Development
- City of Ridgeland Zoning Ordinance (2014)
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment 201501
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment 201505
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment 201605
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment 201619
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment 201710
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment 201803
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2018-08
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2019-3
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2020-12
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2021-6
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2021-15
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2023-09
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2024-5
- W. Jackson Street Overlay District [pdf]
- TND Ordinance and Amendments_073118 [pdf]
- Northpark Overlay District [pdf]
- Renaissance at Colony Park Overlay District [pdf]
- Prado Vista Overlay District
- Comprehensive Plan (2009)
- Property Maintenance Code [pdf]
- Ridgeland Rental Ordinance [pdf]
- Ridgeland Area Master Plan – RAMP (2008)
- Hours of Commercial Dumpster Collection [pdf]
- Public Smoking Ordinance and E-Cigarettes Amendment [pdf]
- Cleaning of Private Property [pdf]
- Portable Buildings [pdf]
- Casual Vehicle Sales [pdf]
- Junk Cars [pdf]
- Grease Waste Ordinance (2023) [pdf]
- Fee Ordinance [pdf]
- Sign Ordinance 2009 [pdf]
- Political Sign Amendment [pdf]
- Subdivision Tree Ordinance [pdf]
- Subdivision Regulations [pdf]
- Small Cell Technology Ordinance [pdf]
- General Contractor Licensing Requirements [pdf]
- Subcontractor Licensing Requirements [pdf]
- 2021 Building Code Adoption [pdf]
- Truck Route Ordinance [pdf]
- Landscape Ordinance [pdf]
- Tree Ordinance [pdf]
Covenants and Plats and Land Records
Search by Department