Planning and Zoning

Planning and zoning consists of a proactive approach to determining the City’s future. Through a Master Planning process, the City can envision what it wants to be and how to get there. The Master Plan is shaped around the value of the environment and the vision of the community. Good planning dictates future land use and zoning laws for our City.

Planning and Zoning Resources

Licenses, Forms, & PermitsDatabase for obtaining City licenses and permits and printing forms.
Ordinances and CodesDatabase of City ordinances and codes.
2008 Ridgeland Area Master Plan [pdf (large)]Ridgeland’s Master Plan
Rezoning, Conditional Use, or VarianceProcess for rezoning, conditional use, and variance requests.
Comprehensive Plan [pdf]Policy guide for physical and economic development of Ridgeland.
Future Land Use Plan Map [pdf]Generalized future land use and transportation plan.
Property Zoning Map [pdf]Search Ridgeland’s Zoning Classifications.
Opportunity ZonesIncentives and information for interested developers.
Zoning BoardProvides property and zoning recommendations to Mayor and Board.