Finance and Administration

Finance & Administration

The Department of Finance and Administration is responsible for all accounting, purchasing, information systems, debt management, utility billing, investments, public relations, accounts payable, payroll, human resources, and administrative functions of the city.

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Ridgeland has a strong financial position, due to rapid commercial and residential development, along with conservative budgeting policies. The major source of general fund revenue is sales tax, which comprises approximately 60% of total revenue. The total ad valorem millage is 20.03 mills, one of the lowest in the Metro area. Ridgeland accounts for 38% of the total assessed value of Madison County.

The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada has awarded the city the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its comprehensive annual financial report for the past 26 consecutive years. The Certificate is a prestigious national award recognizing conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state and local government financial reports.

Finance and Administration Staff

Paula TierceDirector and City Clerk601.856.7113
Ashley DanielDeputy Director of Finance601.856.7113
Ina ByrdDeputy City Clerk Finance601.856.7113
Marlene WareAccounts Payable Coordinator601.856.7113
Cindy BoatnerReceptionist/Deputy Clerk601.856.3938
Clayton LeaInformation Systems Manager601.856.7113
Information Systems Assistant601.856.7113
Kim TraylorUtility Billing Manager601.856.7113
Lee Ann KeithUtility Billing Clerk601.856.7113
Paula TierceHuman Resources Manager601.856.7113
Ericka Brown SheltonHuman Resources Assistant601.856.7113
Georgia MyrickPurchasing Clerk601.856.7113
Finance & Administration