Contact Us
Elected Officials
Name | Title | Phone |
Mayor Gene F. McGee | Mayor | 601.856.7113 |
DI Smith | Alderman-at-Large | 601.940.2710 |
Ken Heard | Ward 1 | 601.201.7392 |
Chuck Gautier | Ward 2 | 601.506.5913 |
Kevin Holder | Ward 3 | 601.238.5361 |
Brian Ramsey | Ward 4 | 601.506.1979 |
Bill Lee | Ward 5 | 601.278.6256 |
Wesley Hamlin | Ward 6, Mayor Pro Tempore | 601.454.0353 |
Finance and Administration
Name | Title | Phone |
Paula Tierce | City Clerk, F&A Director, HR Director | 601.856.7113 |
Marlene Ware | Accounts Payable Coordinator | 601.856.7113 |
Cindy Boatner | Receptionist/Deputy Clerk | 601.856.3938 |
Ina Byrd | Deputy City Clerk Finance | 601.856.7113 |
Ericka Brown Shelton | Human Resources Assistant | 601.856.7113 |
Ashley Daniel | Deputy Director of Finance | 601.856.7113 |
Lee Ann Keith | Utility Billing Clerk | 601.856.3938 |
Clayton Lea | Information Systems Manager | 601.856.7113 |
Information Systems Assistant | 601.856.7113 | |
Kim Traylor | Utility Billing Manager | 601.856.3938 |
Georgia Myrick | Purchasing Clerk | 601.856.7113 |
Fire Department
Name | Title | Phone |
Matthew Bailey | Fire Chief | 601.856.8405 |
James Stokes | Deputy Chief | 601.856.3775 |
Stacey Johnson | Administrative Assistant | 601.856.8405 |
Steve Wilson | Assistant Fire Chief A-Shift | 601.856.7004 |
Kipp Eldridge | Assistant Fire Chief B-Shift | 601.856.7004 |
Troy Bergeron | Assistant Fire Chief C-Shift | 601.856.7004 |
Todd Wilbourn | Inspector | 601.856.3775 |
Jonathan Posey | Training Officer | 601.856.3760 |
Mayor’s Office
Gene McGee | Mayor | 601.856.7113 |
Lisa Walters | Executive Administrative Assistant | 601.856.7113 |
Kim Cooper | Director of Public Relations | 601.856.7113 |
Police Department
Name | Title | Phone |
Brian Myers | Chief of Police | 601.853.2014 |
Tony Willridge | Assistant Chief of Police | 601.853.2014 |
Michele Apuzzo-Wallace | Court Clerk | 601.853.2001 |
Brett Bertucci | Commander of Criminal Investigations Division | 601.856.2121 |
Eddy Addison | Commander of Patrol Division | 601.856.2121 |
Sara Perkins | Commander of Support Services | 601.856.2121 |
Mike Raffield | Communications Supervisor | 601.856.2121 |
Public Works
Alan Hart | Director | 601.853.2027 |
Ben Mays | Assistant Director | 601.853.2027 |
Tally Berry | Code Enforcement Manager | 601.856.3877 |
Chris Bryson | City Engineer | 601.853.2027 |
Renee Buckner | Administrative Assistant | 601.853.2027 |
Matt Dodd | City Landscape Architect | 601.853.2027 |
Cynthia James | Engineer | 601.853.2027 |
Bryan Johnson | Economic Development Director | 601.856.3877 |
Karen Knight | Permit Manager | 601.856.3877 |
Jordan Lohman | City Planner | 601.856.3877 |
LuWanda Morris | Executive Secretary | 601.853.2027 |
Ava Murphy | Executive Secretary | 601.856.3877 |
Steven Ramsey | Code Enforcement Officer | 601.856.3877 |
Dexter Robinson | Sr Traffic Signal Technician | 601.853.2027 |
Bayleigh Sears | Rental Program Manager | 601.856.3877 |
Drew Smith | Building Official | 601.856.3877 |
Scott Swinny | Building Inspector | 601.856.3877 |
Leslie Thomas | Contractor Licensing Manager | 601.856.3877 |
Ronnie Tompkins | Inspector/Cemetery Manager | 601.853.2027 |
Thomas Walton | Rental Inspector | 601.856.3877 |
Recreation and Parks
Name | Title | Phone |
John Sidney North | Director | 601.853.2011 |
Neeley Jones | Senior Adult Programs | 601.856.6876 |
Ben McDonald | Special Events Coordinator | 601.853.2011 |
Lauren Chamblee | Administrative Assistant | 601.853.2011 |
Carly Brandon | Marketing/Sponsorships | 601.853.2011 |
Brent Watson | Athletic Coordinator | 601.853.2011 |
Steve Tillman | Superintendent | 601.853.2023 |
Alphabetical Listings
A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • W • X • Y • Z
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Addison, Eddy | Commander of Patrol | Police Department | 601.856.2121 |
Apuzzo-Wallace, Michele | Court Clerk | Police Department | 601.853.2001 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Bailey, Matthew | Fire Chief | Fire Department | 601.856.8405 |
Bergeron, Troy | Assistant Fire Chief C-Shift | Fire Department | 601.856.7004 |
Berry, Tally | Code Enforcement Manager | Community Development | 601.856.3877 |
Bertucci, Brett | Commander of CID | Police Department | 601.856.2121 |
Boatner, Cindy | Receptionist/Deputy Clerk | Finance and Administration | 601.856.3938 |
Brandon, Carly | Sponsorship & Marketing Coordinator | Recreation and Parks | 601.853.2011 |
Brown, Ericka | Human Resources Assistant | Finance and Administration | 601.856.7113 |
Bryson, Chris | City Engineer | Public Works | 601.853.2027 |
Buckner, Renee | Administrative Assistant | Public Works | 601.853.2027 |
Byrd, Ina | Deputy Director of Finance & Information Systems | Finance and Administration | 601.856.7113 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Chamblee, Lauren | Administrative Assistant | Recreation and Parks | 601.853.2011 |
Cooper, Kim | Director of Public Relations | Finance and Administration | 601.856.7113 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Daniel, Ashley | Deputy Director of Finance | Finance & Administration | 601.856.7113 |
Dodd, Matt | City Landscape Architect | Public Works | 601.853.2027 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Eldridge, Kipp | Assistant Fire Chief B-Shift | Fire Department | 601.856.7004 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Gautier, Chuck | Ward 2 | Elected Official | 601.506.5913 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Hamlin, Wesley | Ward 6 | Elected Official | 601.454.0353 |
Hart, Alan | Director | Public Works/Community Development | 601.856.3877 |
Heard, Ken | Ward 1 | Elected Official | 601.201.7392 |
Holder, Kevin | Ward 3 | Elected Official | 601.856.1950 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
James, Cynthia | Engineer | Public Works | 601.853.2027 |
Johnson, Bryan | Economic Development Director | Community Development | 601.856.3877 |
Johnson, Stacey | Administrative Assistant | Fire Department | 601.856.8405 |
Jones, Neeley | Senior Adult Coordinator | Recreation and Parks | 601.856.6876 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Keith, LeeAnn | Utility Billing Clerk | Finance and Administration | 601.856.3938 |
Knight, Karen | Permit Manager | Community Development | 601.856.3877 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Lea, Clayton | Information Systems Manager | Finance and Administration | 601.856.7113 |
Lohman, Jordan | City Planner | Community Development | 601.856.3877 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Mays, Ben | Assistant Director | Public Works | 601.853.2027 |
McGee, Gene F. | Mayor | Mayor’s Office | 601.856.7113 |
Morris, LuWanda | Executive Secretary | Public Works | 601.853.2027 |
Murphy, Ava | Executive Secretary | Community Development | 601.856.3877 |
Myers, Brian | Chief of Police | Police Department | 601.856.2121 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
North, John Sidney | Director | Recreation and Parks | 601.853.2011 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Perkins, Sara | Commander of Support Services | Police Department | 601.856.2121 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Raffield, Mike | Communications Supervisor | Police Department | 601.856.2121 |
Ramsey, Brian | Ward 4 | Elected Official | 601.506.1979 |
Ramsey, Steven | Code Enforcement Officer | Community Development | 601.856.3877 |
Robinson, Dexter | Sr Traffic Signal Technician | Public Works | 601.853.2027 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Sears, Bayleigh | Rental Program Manager | Community Development | 601.856.3877 |
Smith, Drew | Building Official | Community Development | 601.856.3877 |
Smith, DI | Alderman-at-Large | Elected Official | 601.707.8845 |
Stokes, James | Deputy Chief | Fire Department | 601.856.3775 |
Swinny, Scott | Building Inspector | Community Development | 601.856.3877 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Thomas, Leslie | Contractor Licensing Manager | Community Development | 601.856.3877 |
Tierce, Paula | Director/City Clerk/HR Manager | Finance and Administration | 601.856.7113 |
Tillman, Steve | Superintendent | Recreation and Parks | 601.853.2023 |
Tompkins, Ronnie | Inspector/Cemetery Manager | Public Works | 601.853.2027 |
Traylor, Kim | Utility Billing Manager | Finance and Administration | 601.856.3938 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Walters, Lisa | Executive Assistant to the Mayor | Mayor’s Office | 601.856.7113 |
Walton, Thomas | Rental Inspector | Community Development | 601.856.3877 |
Watson, Brent | Athletic Coordinator | Recreation and Parks | 601.853.2011 |
Wilson, Steve | Assistant Fire Chief A-Shift | Fire Department | 601.856.7004 |
Willridge, Tony | Assistant Chief of Police | Police Department | 601.856.2121 |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Name | Title | Department | Phone |